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1291 interviews since 2009

A picture of Jen Myers

Jen Myers

Technologist, writer (Girl Develop It, Code and Cupcakes Chicago)

in developer, mac, technologist, writer

Who are you, and what do you do?

I'm Jen Myers. These days I use the descriptors "technologist" and "writer," but I've been a variety of things over the years: web designer/developer, teacher, speaker and organizer. I've been involved with Girl Develop It since 2011 and currently serve the organization as a leadership advisor. I also run a series of mother/daughter beginner web development workshops called Code and Cupcakes Chicago. During the day, I'm the Director of Open Source Curriculum at online tech course provider Pluralsight. I write things on the internet. I also raise a small human.

What hardware do you use?

I work remotely and am often on the move, so my center of operations is my 13" MacBook Pro. The only other significant pieces of hardware I use are analog. I'm a pen-and-paper person who prizes her handwriting, so I always have with me a lot of notebooks, each designated for a specific purpose. Most essential is my extra large Moleskine notebook/planner where I use a personalized Bullet Journal format for my task lists. I am an avid proponent of the art of the task list.

I also use large Moleskine Cahier journals for individual needs: one for my day job, one for my personal projects, one for my community work, etc., also organized in Bullet Journal format. My longform writing goes into college-ruled composition books. I also always have at least two Pilot G2 .05mm black ink pens with me. At least.

And what software?

For daily productivity, I'm a fan of Evernote - I write all of my weekly newsletters and essays there, as well as various other bits and pieces. I use Sunrise Calendar to provide the digital backup to my paper planner and Airmail to manage several email accounts.

For coding, I rely on Sublime Text and iTerm. Websites like my personal site or my newsletter essay archive are powered by Jekyll and are served by GitHub. I use Adobe Photoshop when I have to.

What would be your dream setup?

I think pretty much already have it. I like to keep things simple, modular and portable, with good but relatively inexpensive tools that can I can easily get more of when I need them. Maybe I'd like a fancy studio with lots of light and lots of tea. And a cat.