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1287 interviews since 2009

Writer (Page 25)

There's 256 interviews in this category. Happy reading!

A picture of Rachel Hyman

Rachel Hyman

Software developer, writer, publisher

in mac, poet, writer

A picture of Viviane Schwarz

Viviane Schwarz

Writer, illustrator, creator

in designer, game, illustrator, linux, mac, writer

A picture of Waldo Jaquith

Waldo Jaquith

Designer, developer, director (U.S. Open Data)

in designer, developer, mac, writer

A picture of Kirby Ferguson

Kirby Ferguson

Filmmaker, writer, speaker (Everything is a Remix)

in film, mac, writer

A picture of Jen Myers

Jen Myers

Technologist, writer (Girl Develop It, Code and Cupcakes Chicago)

in developer, mac, technologist, writer