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1291 interviews since 2009

Editor (Page 6)

There's 59 interviews in this category. Happy reading!

A picture of Vi Hart

Vi Hart

Mathemusician, philosopher

in editor, linux, mac, mathematician, musician, philosopher, video, windows, writer

A picture of Jemima Kiss

Jemima Kiss

Head of technology (Guardian)

in editor, mac

A picture of Claire L. Evans

Claire L. Evans

Writer, editor, singer (YACHT)

in editor, mac, musician, writer

A picture of Joshua Davis

Joshua Davis

Writer, filmmaker, co-founder (Epic Magazine)

in editor, film, mac, writer

A picture of Kathleen De Vere

Kathleen De Vere

Actor, writer, video editor, illustrator (LoadingReadyRun)

in actor, editor, illustrator, video, writer