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1292 interviews since 2009

A picture of Theresa Couchman

Theresa Couchman

Author (The Unmapped Lands)

in windows, writer

Who are you, and what do you do?

I'm Theresa Couchman, sporadic blogger, wannabe health nut, and author of The Unmapped Lands, a contemporary fantasy novel. I make bad jokes on Twitter, read everything I can get my hands on, and post too many pictures of barns on Instagram. I'm currently working on my second novel.

What hardware do you use?

Right now, I switch between my iPad 3 and an Asus Eee netbook. I've needed a new laptop for the longest time, but I'm a terrible cheapskate and tend to put off buying new gadgets until the ones I already have disintegrate. I did just order -- and I do mean "just," it hasn't arrived yet -- a Samsung Chromebook. Based on all the reviews I've read, it'll suit my needs perfectly, and I'm curious to use a browser-based operating system.

And what software?

My primary word processing program used to be OpenOffice, which I still highly recommend. I also find ZenWriter useful when I have a hard time concentrating, because it blocks out all distractions. More and more, though, I rely on Google Drive. Auto-save is a godsend, and while security concerns are always an issue with online accounts, I can't say I'm too worried about anyone accessing all my half-finished stories and incomprehensible notes.

I publish through Kindle Direct Publishing and Createspace, which are very easy to use, as well as Smashwords, which is... less so, but provides wider distribution to non-Amazon outlets, like the iBookstore and Barnes & Noble.

My newest obsession is Songza. They have so many playlists; it's easy to find one that will help me focus. I don't always listen to music when I write, but I like having some sort of background noise, even if it's just nature sounds.

What would be your dream setup?

Well, I'd love to have a proper home office. Right now, I do most of my typing while sitting on my bed, propped up by pillows, which isn't good for my productivity or my back. I'd like an adjustable desk like the UpDesk so I could sit or stand. Having both a desktop and laptop would be ideal, and the iMac and MacBook Air are permanent fixtures on my wishlist.

I'd need a ready supply of blank notebooks and fine-tipped pens so I could scribble down ideas, as well --I'm not too picky, but I like plain old Mead Five-Stars and Sharpie Pens. I'd also probably keep my little Asus around for sentimental value. It's served me well.