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1287 interviews since 2009

A picture of Annie Segarra

Annie Segarra

YouTuber, actress, activist

in activist, actor, video, windows

Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Annie Segarra and I am a YouTuber (Annie Elainey), content creator, actress/singer, speaker, and activist. My content is typically about my experiences and observations as a disabled (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and comorbid conditions and disabilities) and queer woman of color and how these aspects of my identity intersect and affect the way I navigate the world.

What hardware do you use?

I use an EZ Lite Cruiser to get around and an ergonomic foldable-cane by CareX for activities requiring me to stand/walk for less than 1-2 minutes (my average limit), unless I have an injury and/or pain or I am having dysautonomia symptoms/flares, in which case, I am completely unable to stand up. For the hypermobility in my fingers, I use a full set of ring splints and for air-born allergies, I use a Vogmask. I use Ace knee, ankle, and wrist braces as they are my most vulnerable parts, and try several things in attempts for pain relief including muscle creams, acupuncture mats, heated blankets, compression, and other tools.

My laptop is a 2012 Asus with Windows 7 and my phone is currently a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which I may be updating soon! Because of chronic pain and chronic fatigue and dysautonomia symptoms, I'm often in bed and use the first version of AdapDesk (the updated version available for pre-order) to work in bed.

For filming, I use a Nikon COOLPIX P7700 and recently started using a Canon G7 X Mark II, and for recording vocals I either use the mic in my phone or the Yeti mic.

And what software?

For video editing, I use Adobe Premiere Pro and to create my thumbnails I often use an app called PhotoLayers on my phone, which allows me to cut out backgrounds and layer images, and it's a FREE app! So there's a hack for fellow broke creators! For journaling, note-taking, and other writing I use Google Docs on Google Drive, Evernote, and Grammarly. For recording music and attempting some sound editing I use the free software Audacity.

What would be your dream setup?

Maybe the AltWork Station where I'd be able to recline and sit up as my back and blood vessels need but maintaining support no matter my position. I'm pretty happy with my current power chair, though a flying chair would be cool! Haha! Realistically, maybe a hands-free (of the ones available I'd get a blue one) or more modern looking chair. And I'd LOVE a cool looking accessible vehicle like the Kia Sorento by Freedom Motors!