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1291 interviews since 2009

Editor (Page 11)

There's 59 interviews in this category. Happy reading!

A picture of Joshua Topolsky

Joshua Topolsky

Co-founder, editor (The Verge)

in editor, mac, writer

A picture of Nozlee Samadzadeh

Nozlee Samadzadeh

Writer, editor, IA (Flat, The Morning News)

in editor, mac, windows, writer

A picture of Julieanne Smolinski

Julieanne Smolinski

Freelance writer, editor

in editor, mac, windows, writer

A picture of Cheryl Klein

Cheryl Klein

Writer, book editor (Scholastic)

in editor, mac, writer

A picture of Laura Brunow Miner

Laura Brunow Miner

Editor, designer, event inventor (Pictory, Phoot Camp)

in designer, editor, mac