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1291 interviews since 2009

Designer (Page 23)

There's 247 interviews in this category. Happy reading!

A picture of Deborah

Deborah "CandyStations" Johnson

Visual and concert designer

in designer, mac, video

A picture of Ryan Troy Ford

Ryan Troy Ford

Artist, designer, screenprinter (Ghost Press)

in artist, designer, mac

A picture of Chris Remo

Chris Remo

Game designer, composer (Campo Santo), podcaster (Idle Thumbs)

in designer, game, mac, podcaster, windows, writer

A picture of Javier Arce

Javier Arce

Designer, illustrator, web developer (CARTO)

in designer, developer, illustrator

A picture of Peter Richardson

Peter Richardson

Map hacker (Mapzen)

in designer, developer, mac, windows