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1292 interviews since 2009

A picture of Nicholas Rezabek

Nicholas Rezabek

Designer, poster maker (The Bubble Process)

in designer, illustrator

Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Nicholas Rezabek, but people typically call me Rez. I am a designer/illustrator and I am 1/2 of The Bubble Process.

What hardware do you use?

Typically I am using my two hands, two arms and two eyes and then some paper and some pens. I'm drawing with either a Pilot G2, Micron pens, sometimes some scratch board, various paint brushes and Windsor & Newton Ink - typically colored - blue, red, etc. The black just kinda bums me out.

Then the drawings are scanned into the computer. After a rough outline is made, or our initial sketch is scanned in, we cut it out using a couple of different filters and our handy friend the Magic Wand tool in Photoshop. This is then placed into a PSD and saved out. Once the general idea is in a good enough spot, the file is sent to my pal Sean Higgins (the other 1/2 of The Bubble Process) and he does the same. He will print out what I sent to him, or visa versa, and draw on top, add to, fill in, etc. and send back to me when he is ready. Then repeat, repeat and repeat. We typically play tag with files for a while, 'til we are done.

After this the client approves and we move towards silk-screen process. Sean takes care of all this in Cleveland.

And what software?

First of all, we would be nothing without instant messenger. We tend to chat all day. Lots of gifs, YouTube, image finds, jokes, etc. Some work here and there. Then, after our hands, it is any sort of scanner software to get our ideas into the computer. A Wacom tablet (which is new for us this year... previously we have been using the ol' trackball, but have since upgraded!) and then Photoshop. Sean silk-screens everything in Cleveland, so I'm out of luck on that. I used to burn screens and blast them out in my bathtub, but that got old real quick with the wife. He has a pretty awesome setup in Cleveland. A bunch of custom items that him and his old man put together. Really awesome. We both have some flat-files to keep all our goods nice and ordered, but they fill up fast.

And lastly, our biggest asset would probably be our website and PayPal. Without them, we wouldn't be able to sell our goods 24/7. It is always amazing to wake up to an inbox of posters that are getting a new home.

What would be your dream setup?

A double-sided washbasin, with a car-wash rig for a screen blaster. Also a big studio, light room, flat-files from floor to ceiling - for each of us. We like the long distance. We tend to have more fun doing what we like on the side, and bringing all our stories and adventures to the table.

This is pretty much if we won the lotto though. Until then, we'll keep it simple and keep dreaming.