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1292 interviews since 2009

A picture of Greg Wohlwend

Greg Wohlwend

Game designer (Hundreds, Gasketball, Solipskier)

in designer, game, mac

Who are you, and what do you do?

I'm Greg Wohlwend and I usually illustrate video games. Most recently an iOS game called Hundreds. Less recently Gasketball and Solipskier. I also perform random acts of graphic design like the Indie Game: The Movie poster.

What hardware do you use?

I have a late 2008 15" MBP with 4 extra gigs of aftermarket RAM. I use a Logitech M305 wireless USB mouse that is hesitantly dying. I also have an iPhone 4 and two iPads (1st and 3rd generations) for business and pleasure. For sketching, I use Bienfang 4x4 and 10x10 cross section graph paper and Bic Cristal black ballpoint pens. I occasionally draw with a 6"x8" Wacom Intuos3 tablet and listen to stuff on a pair of KOSS Porta Pro headphones because my ear holes are weirdly shaped.

Sometimes I need to get video of something, for that I have a Sanyo Xacti VPC-FH1A digital camcorder that I bought for cheap because it burns red lines onto the video occasionally.

And what software?

I do just about everything with Adobe CS5. Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects & Flash for some game prototypes, trailers, raster and vector art. I view the Internet through Chrome and make it with TextWrangler and Transmit. I've tried Coda but it felt sluggish on my "ancient" MBP. Sometimes I have to make or edit audios and I use Audacity, SFXR and GarageBand for that. I just installed Cloud App via a suggestion from Zach Gage and it has changed my life when it comes to sharing screenshots. I do a lot of ⌘⇧4ing. For modeling 3D stuff I like Silo 3D because it's pretty simple and mostly grid based. For anything more complicated I use Cinema 4D. I write things in iA Writer and occasionally do digital painting in ArtRage Studio. Sometimes I need to edit/create fonts so for that I use TypeTool.

On iOS I have a ton of apps just like everyone else but LiveView and Dropbox help me make games.

What would be your dream setup?

Basically that one scene from Grandma's Boy. Has someone said that already? Honestly, I like only having a laptop, I'd upgrade to a Retina MBP. I'd also like an Oculus Rift. In addition I would work in a Swiss Family Robinson style treehouse with my favorite people everyday. We have wireless power. It's always Summer or Fall. There are numerous slides, zip-lines and tin-can telephones. And we can pause time and never age during the pause and we also have teleporters. Gotta dream big.