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1292 interviews since 2009

A picture of Elissa Logozio

Elissa Logozio

Artist, life coach

in artist, coach, mac

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hey there! I am Elissa Logozio, and what I do pretty much depends on where I am in the moment. I am both an artist and a Certified Integrative Life Coach. I also run an online community called Empathy Embodied where we inspire healthy conversations about empathy and vulnerability through shared stories and art. In my free time (whenever I can find it!) I make sure to stay on top of making art just for art's sake. Regardless of where I am or what day it is, my passion is to connect, inspire, and support people all over the world.

In any role I take, my responsibilities are two-fold: 1) support someone's creative vision, and 2) support each and every person involved. This may take the form of talking to people about their life experiences, or helping a friend through a tough time in their lives, or even just bringing someone's creative idea to life through art & paintings. I am a firm believer that empathy should be the leading motivation for any person in a community. I make sure to talk to everyone, learn from their expertise, and determine what is needed to create a safe and empowering group dynamic.

I also believe that you cannot work without a certain level of play -- take some time to pause your to-do list, and go outside! Grab a coffee with a friend, draw a picture, go for a walk -- anything big or small that helps you forget the challenges of the day, and allows you a moment to breathe.

What hardware do you use?

My go-to hardware for my art and my coaching is a 15" MacBook Pro partnered with a journal or pad of paper, and Pilot G-Tec-C4 pen. I live and die by my to-do list: a pad of graph paper where I list each and every task item I need to complete. Eveyrthing I do is based on interpersonal relationships, which means I talk to a bunch of folks and walk away with a ton of next steps to help keep the plates spinning. I had to develop a quick shortcut through illustrations or minimal graphics to quickly know by glancing: what have I completed, what have I started, what's most important, and what do I still have to do? (with a mixture of squares, triangles, stars, and highlighted sections, I'm able to scan my list and know exactly what needs to get done next)

I also keep my Kindle Paperwhite close with me wherever I go -- I am constantly downloading new books, both fiction and non-fiction, and find that reading is a wonderful way to shut out the world temporarily and delve into my favorite stories. I am an introvert, so my jobs and hobbies can get a bit taxing over time; I need to find ways to relax and decompress on my own, and the convenience of the Kindle makes that possible.

As an avid fan of all things artistic, I do a ton of work by utilizing the "basics": pen & paper, watercolor paints and Strathmore sketchpads, Prismacolor colored pencils and origami paper. I think visually, so having tangible art materials at my disposal help me articulate complex ideas for any audience.

My hand bag is basically a Mary Poppins purse -- I have spare headphones, dongles, USB cables, pens, an Anker Astro E7 mobile charger, and a variety of mini Word notebooks. My bag includes any and all support that I might need no matter where I end up during the week.

And finally, at home my husband and I try to be as energy-conscious as we can. Our home is set up with Phillips Hue Wireless lighting, programmed to know our habits enough to turn lights off when we aren't around or don't need them, and turn on whenever we get home from work. That's just one small example of changes to our apartment that helped make positive impacts in our lifestyle and use of energy.

And what software?

I am constantly in a state of left-brain-right-brain shifts. The most useful software for my day-to-day life is best reflected by where I am in the moment: 

If I'm "Grounded":

If I have access to my laptops, the Adobe Creative Suite is used on a daily occasion (I use Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign primarily). I also use Google Docs, Keynote, Excel, and Adobe Acrobat Reader to organize my thoughts. For Empathy Embodied, I need to balance tangible art materials (to make the artwork for each story submission) with the above-mentioned software to quickly pull together an updated post or website.

If I'm "Mobile":

My iPhone 6s is usually active if I'm running around: the Mail, Notes, Calculator, Google Drive, Waze, Play Music, and Spotify apps are probably utilized the most. I also get a lot of my inspiration from exploring outdoors -- so the use of design apps are a necessity: the VSCO, Word Swag, Photos, and Over apps are my go-to elements if I want to take or edit photos on the fly.

What would be your dream setup?

My dream setup is all about comfort, endurance, and ease of use. With that being said -- free, fast, and safe Wi-Fi would be in my top 5 wants. More convenient solar-powered batteries and more energy-conscious options to keep everything rolling. Free sketchpads (the ones with the dotted paper for some added organization). Play Dough (I'm a kinesthetic learner). And probably most importantly: a sunny, hygge-inspired place to work surrounded by all things nature.